The Tata group has played a stellar role in India’s development. On the 75th anniversary of our country’s independence, Tata Central Archives launched an exhibition - 75 Years of India’s Independence & the Role of the Tata group.
An exhibition titled “J.R.D. Tata (1904 -1993)” is now on display at the Tata Central Archives.
An exhibition titled, “Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata (1839-1904)”, narrating the life and journey of Jamsetji Tata, The Founder of the House of Tata is now on display at the Tata Central Archives.
The Tata Family Properties (1822 -1965) exhibition consists of landed, residential and commercial properties owned, leased and rented by members of the Tata Family, in India and overseas.
Tata Central Archives showcased its thirty-seventh thematic exhibition on “Tata Vintage Advertising and Publicity”, reflecting the Tata journey up to 1990.
Featured over 30 individuals who had the faith and the conviction to inspire generations to come. They built the Tata organisation brick by brick and relentlessly toiled to script a priceless legacy.
Commemorated the birth centenary of Dr. J.J. Bhabha, who was a valued and respected member of the senior team that steered the Tata group for over 60 years.
Commemorated the platinum jubilee of Tata Chemicals Ltd. in 2014. It showcased the expansion of the company’s product base, its various technological advancements, welfare and social reforms, CSR initiatives and innovative projects.
Showcased the life of R.D. Tata and his family, and their connection to this small sea side resort town of Hardelot in France. It was the first international collaboration of Tata Central Archives (TCA).
The underlying theme of this exhibition was “Nation Building”. It gave a bird’s-eye view of the history of the Tata group from its Founder Jamsetji Tata to J.R.D. Tata, Former Group Chairman.
Commemorated the 60th anniversary of Tata Motors Ltd. It took viewer on an eventful journey exploring the growth and evolution of the company that started with the production of armoured vehicles and steam locomotives. It soon became India’s fully integrated automobile manufacturer.
A tribute to Jamsetji Tata on his death centenary and J.R.D. Tata and Naval Tata on their birth centenaries in 2004. It showcased the life and achievements of these three great Tata personalities who were pioneers within the Tata organisation.
Showcased the life and contributions of J.R.D. Tata. As the Chairman of the Tata group, he guided the destiny of India’s largest business house for well over half a century and helped establish many new enterprises.
It showcased the life and achievement of Sir Dorabji Tata and the contributions made by the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust set up by him. It provided an insight into the social and business aspects of the Tata group.
Focused on the life, industrial ventures and philanthropic work of Jamsetji Tata, the Founder of the House of Tata and the man who revolutionised Indian industry.